Location: chennai, tamilnadu, India

adventure, mystery, thrill, exitement is all basic necessity for me

Sunday, February 26, 2006

C - section

initially i was switchin between A and B section untill std 5. later when educational institutions became business intitutions i remember being even in J and K sections. but never once been in C section. one evening when i was sittin with my frds in medical college i got the opportunity to see this C-section. the C section am talkin abt now is different - the cesarean section. It was an amazing experience. Its been quite long time so I just vaguely remember what happened.

The time from incision to delivery was hardly 5 mins but I felt it like 5 hrs. Too many things which a common man cant even imagine happened in that 5 mins. After anesthesia was administered when the abdomen was being cleaned I was getting quite nervous cause I knew next was incision. The nurse took a very fine needle and took it towards the abdomen as if to mark the area to be cut. As I was just 19 that time it was embarrassing to look abruptly at some unknown lady’s abdomen. So had to pretend as if I was busy looking at something else. but when I had a glimpse .. ooops.. what the f..k is this. The stomach split into halves in fractions of sec when she casually moved the needle on it like drawing line with a marking pen. As I was expecting her to use a knife I was’nt prepared for this. Had to hold my hands tight seeing all that red inside. the doc immediately started incising the uterus and then using scissors he was cutting too many things. the rate of speed he was doing that c’d only make me think he dint like ne thing inside and he was cutting all that which fell in his eyes. I c’d even hear the hissing sound which u get in pipes when airlocks open up (blood whizzing in blood vessels I guess..forgot). the baby was removed thru incisions. The doc cut the placenta and casually threw it in a bowl (the way he did it looked like my cook cutting bindi both sides and throwing it in the bowl ). While the nurse was suturing incisions I became quite normal. It dint last for long. Seeing the doc holding kid upside down and swinging on air while passing it to the nurse, had to hold my hands tight 1ce again and restrained frm shouting mada f..ker. only later I came to know they r supposed to hold the kid upside down immediately after delivery. Looked like I went into another world which was red in color, made of tissues where tiny creatures were living, and came back. Also came across plumbers, tailors and cooks. ie. Outside that world lol


Blogger Arunima said...

Are you a doc?

4:46 AM  
Blogger ramu said...


8:01 PM  
Blogger APUGONNAB said...

gosh..if u r not a doc, how did u get to c al this? its down to very last detail...

eeiyow...but, thats the 'beauty of the birth' isnt it!?

10:54 PM  
Blogger unforgiven said...

Isn't it weird that something so beautiful as a little life comes from something so gross :|

I've heard people tell me about "Oh have you seen a child birth! It is one of the most beautiful things you can see!"

I once saw a video of it, and well,
tt was a fantastic weight loss device. Couldn't eat properly for days.

Kudos to your stomach man, to be able to actually "watch" all that blood.

6:42 AM  
Blogger ramu said...

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10:53 AM  
Blogger unforgiven said...

Pre-programmed things in kid, due to the experience of birth?
Now that's interesting, do explain!

12:26 AM  
Blogger ramu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:42 PM  
Blogger || sbk || said...

okay then....guess that should make you a litle more sensitive towards your mum or maybe your future wife...heheheh..

My brother had accompanied his wife into the delivery room to be by her side..he came out in 10 mins saying hat he was feeling dizzy and couldn't see more of that..heheh

Sigh! check out the stuff we women have to go through..

6:12 AM  
Blogger ramu said...

sbk: hope i dint scare u

10:55 AM  

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