Location: chennai, tamilnadu, India

adventure, mystery, thrill, exitement is all basic necessity for me

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

colosseum - battle to serve

everyone has a hidden talent. when the ability is discovered a colosseum is needed to exploit it. actor looks for theatre, orator looks for stage, writer looks for publishers and a person who has all those abilities looks to enter into ploitics(that is where large no of ppl will get to know abt his talents in poetry, literature etc. so he considers that as his colosseum) the ones who are dumb but wanted to prove that they have the ability to make money also choose to become politician. ultimately electoral politics is considered as a colosseum for an individual to prove himself. occasionally economists and ppl with administrating abilities also enter politics. but when this happens, ppl consider that they are doing something out of the way since they are used to the other set of ppl.

electoral politics is the funniest and the most stupid thing i've come across in my life. imagine somebody telling u get into the colosseum and fight.. u w'd do it if its to save ur life or if ur gonna be awarded. but if the winner is gonna be asked to serve the ppl are you gonna voluntarily participate in the competition.. NEVER. so its obvious that only for their selfish motives ppl jumping into the colosseum to fight. even kids know the fact that fights and competitions happen only for gain. when very less ppl are here to serve Y DO U HAVE TO COMPETE TO SERVE.

mostly everytime the candidate in ur constituency is new to u. so how is he gonna introduce himself to u and make u vote for him in that short period of time. obviously the only option he has is to sing poetry or dance or scream or do whatever he can to attract u. at this rate we'll get only comedians, opportunists and money makers but never good administrators. the thing which am putting here is not my discovery. i know that every single person knows but am surprised how they are happily getting along with this and favouring politicians in most issues.

to increase circulation magazines have habit of giving news which ppl like. nowadays during election period i see magazines mentioning abt the candidate in a funny way. many books write openly that this person is jumping into the colosseum and that person is getting ready to conquer the opponent(ie. to serve the ppl.. wow...sounds great. .fighting & conquering to serve ppl). when magazines encourage these kinda talks, proves ppl like the battle happening for the concerned individuals gain.


Blogger Unknown said...

I see that you are in love with the word colosseum! Anyways, politics today has a different interpretation for one and all. Neither can you hope to understand it and actually you should not even bother yourself.

What seems like a fight, a struggle might seem like a service to many. They look at it as the means to reign control over the less unfortunate. and it happens all the time. Not that turning a blind eye would serve it any better, but shouting from rooftops is not the rational step too. It's a mass awakening that we are talking of, a change that will have an impact among the masses and that IS happening. be a patient man, and let it happen.


10:51 PM  
Blogger ramu said...

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8:34 AM  
Blogger ramu said...

enjoyed being ur boss for sometime

8:35 AM  

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